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Diversity and inclusion

Dunnell Gillingwater supports organisations with their diversity and inclusion strategies by providing bespoke personal impact training programmes. Projecting a strong and confident self-image is vital for business success and personal development. The challenges faced by some colleagues can impede their progress and mean they require extra support to build confidence and enhance their communication skills.


One of our most popular courses is the personal impact for women course. The challenges faced by women in business differ from those faced by men and the programme is designed to specifically address them. We help women get to the next level of their career by ensuring they understand the personal impact they create and provide them with practical advice and techniques to enhance their performance. The course aims to build confidence and help women create an impact in meetings, when managing difficult conversations or when speaking in public.

This half-day session is suitable for either one-to-one coaching or for up to four women aims to:


  • Provide increased confidence through positive self-awareness

  • Provide practical tips and help with dealing with adrenalin flows

  • Provide tips around dealing with the “not good enough” syndrome

  • Provide advice around what to wear and positive language


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