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Media awareness

Understanding the media is the first step to working with this industry.


This three-hour course is an introduction to the world of newspapers and broadcast media and is ideal for new members of a press office or corporate communications team.


We explain the newsroom environment: how it works, the roles and responsibilities of journalists and the pressures and deadlines they face.


It will give you an understanding of how best to arouse journalists’ interest in your story and work with them more effectively.

This 3-hour course for up to 15 people aims to:


  • Provide an insight into the journalist's working day

  • Demonstrate the journey of a story to the printed/online page or TV screen

  • Show how you can best interact with the journalist

  • Teach the rules of engagement

  • Give insight into the sources of news and what news is


Crisis media training

A team that has rehearsed the pressures of handling the media in a crisis situation is better equipped to cope with a real event. Our courses are tailor-made to suit your business using a realistic scenario. We follow the first rumblings of a breaking news story through to a full media frenzy. Learn more

Press release writing skills

This full-day course, for up to eight people, is for everyone joining a press office or corporate communications team. Learn more

Social media

How do you get on top of an issue in a timely and responsible way whilst staying true to your obligations to clients, partners and shareholders? Our half or full-day workshops will help you get to grips with the risks and opportunities of engaging in social media. Learn more

Messaging workshops

This is a creative and visual half or full-day workshop that helps you devise your company’s core messages and vocabulary and then tests the language in a media situation. Learn more

More media training services

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